Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A New Alarm Clock

Today Elizabeth and Paul were playing in the barn on the edge of our property. The neighbor peeked his head over the fence and said, "Here, can you take this chicken, it's been here for 4 or 5 days and wakes us up at 4 every morning!" Elizabeth gladly complied. Mind you, we're against roosters around here. We don't want to fiddle with candling our eggs before we eat them. All previous "hens" that we've bought that have turned into roosters after maturing have become dinner. Elizabeth came inside to tell me, "Mama, now we have FOUR chickens!" She then went on to explain what had happened. I looked out the window, "Elizabeth, it's a rooster, you should have said, 'no thanks.' " Then I asked, "When did all of this happen? Just now?" Elizabeth (the to-the-second time keeper of the family) looked at her watch and said, "No, it was 10 minutes ago."

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