Monday, July 21, 2008

Home Front

We dropped off all the house keys we could find at the other house last Thursday night. This freed us, for the first time since we've moved, to focus entirely on this house over the weekend.

My parents came down and spent the day with us on Saturday. My mom entertained the kids ALL day. She played every card and board game the kids dragged out and also every other game they made up. Mom commented on how Lydia makes her opinions very clearly known to everyone. Yep, that's Lydia. She's a work in progress, but aren't we all?

Matt and Joey replaced the dishwasher early in the morning. Washing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher isn't my definition of a dishwasher. More like a dish rinser and dryer. We found a replacement on Craigslist and I'm much happier with it. It was quite a feat to get the old one out and the new one in, but Matt and Joey finally managed it.

Matt and Joey then went to work on reassembling the shed. It turned out that "just scraping the sod a little" didn't really describe the magnitude of the job. Matt and Joey worked in the heat cutting and shoveling sod for three or four hours. Then my dad and Matt went to the rental place to buy sand for leveling the area so that the shed would sit evenly.

My dad put the bottom panel of the dishwasher on (after two trips to Lowes to find the right screws.) Like I told my dad, Matt and I have learned that every thing in the area of house repair/maintenance takes ten times longer than you think it will. Now I have a real dishwasher and I'm very pleased.

We went to early church yesterday, did a little Sunday school at home, and then got to work again. (I know, the Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest.) Well, we got quite a bit done and Matt and I even enjoyed our first dip in the hot tub (it was really the tepid tub--so it was safe for baby Jude). I kept thinking, "this can't be me in this hot tub." Matt said, "Well, here you go Melissa, you have a hot tub now. I never would have bought you one, but it came with the house." Matt's not one for hot soaks, but I am. In this case the water was more pool temperature, but after the baby comes we can turn up the temperature. Thank you, God for a hot tub.

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