Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Open House

We're having a house blessing this weekend. It'll be a chance to celebrate the Lord's goodness to us and to thank all those who helped us with our big move. If someone would have told me we'd be moving three months ago, I would have said, "No way." God has really provided for us in some awesome ways and this weekend will be a chance to celebrate that.

A friend told me not too long ago that the way to get things done around your house is to schedule a party. It's very motivating, she said. Well, we're pretty motivated. My friend Lisa came over a couple of weeks ago and unpacked Matt's office and all the books from my personal library. She also came over today and we got the basement whipped into shape. Lisa brings her three little ones with her when she comes and my kids LOVE to play with them. It's great to have a friend who can do the heavy lifting and even the thinking when my pregnant body won't allow for those things.

Matt hung up the hardware in the bathroom tonight. I took all the old hardware down when I painted and we've been doing without towel bars for the past couple of weeks. Grace and Elizabeth are quite pleased with their bedroom. They've completed the task of unpacking their boxes and I was able to buy a valance for their window at Wal-Mart. They're tickled.

Matt's got his "meat candy" recipe at the ready for this weekend. That's what he calls his favorite appetizer--bacon wrapped Lil' Smokies sprinkled with brown sugar and crisped under the broiler.

Anybody who wants to come help us celebrate this weekend is more than welcome. Just give us a call for directions and the time.

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