Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Boy Fashion

Paul would wear his camo pants every day if I let him, but every few days I peel them off of him and run them through the washer. The knees have long since worn out on the beloved camo pants and one of the belt loops has detached. I've told Paul on several occasions that we should just throw the pants away, but this only brings vehement protests. So I patch them and repatch them. This is what they looked liked as of yesterday, after the last patching. They're dying a slow death.

Paul also has a recently discovered affinity for belts. Belts make handy holders for swords, hammers and really big screwdrivers. Paul recently attached a very large padlock to his other favorite pair of pants (the kind that have the legs that zip off). For a few days the padlock provided much fun, until Paul lost the key for the lock. So we put the pants in the closet for a while (five weeks), hoping the key would turn up, but it didn't. Matt tried to pick the lock, but was unsuccessful. A hack saw did the trick and now my boy has his second favorite pair of pants back in his possession. Boy fashion-- its a style of its own.

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