Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Turning Point

Yesterday I took Grace to see the doctor about her scoliosis. Praise God, it looks like Grace will not need surgery for a long, long time, if ever. The doctor who saw Grace graduated from the same small town high school from which I graduated--except he graduated two years after I did. I only remembered him as "Little Mel," the kid who lived across from the city park. Now he's "Dr. Mel" and he's not at all little anymore (I felt like a munchkin in his presence).

I called my parents later in the day to tell them who I had seen at the doctor's office. I said to my dad, "I think I've crossed some sort of thresh hold or something." He said, "Yep, you're getting old." Thanks, Dad.

1 comment:

The Engineer said...

Wonderful news!