Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Party of Gratitude

Sunday we had a party to honor the wonderful Christian men who have worked so diligently on our house over the past months. The kids and I worked tirelessly to prepare for the party all last week while Matt was in Oklahoma on business. We shopped and scrubbed and painted and decorated.

Originally, we had only planned on having the men and their families, but later decided we should invite our families and close friends as well. We've had plenty of people praying for us throughout the remodeling process and we wanted them to come and partake of the fun, too.

We were expecting about thirty adults and thirty kids, but a few people weren't able to make it. The weather was nasty. Thunderstorms were predicted, and although we weren't hit by the storms during the party, we did get plenty of wind. Oh well, we made the best of it.

We had numerous games/activities planned for kids, but because of the weather, we ended up only having gunny sack races and shooting water balloons with the three-man sling shot. Then the kids played on the play set and with the chickens. They were none the wiser that they missed so much and they had a good time anyway.

My brother-in-law, Trevor, wood burned scriptures into the handles of ten awls as a wonderful favor to me. The awls were our thank you gifts to the men who worked on the house. Matt's parents, my parents, my sister and niece came early to help set up the party. We couldn't have done it without them.
When it was all over and Matt and I reflected on the evening, we were glad that the three men who did the most work did make it to the party so that we could honor them in person. Their wives also got to see the work their husbands had done. The goal for our party was to honor God and the great men He provided to work on our house. Even though things didn't go as planned, we were able to achieve our goal. Thanks be to God! We're glad it's all over and we can get back to "normal" living again--whatever that is.

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