Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blessings and Cursings

The blessings of having six kids can't be numbered. Around here, we're never without a good laugh, a good helper or a good playmate. However, six kids also means more work. More laundry, more cooking, more cleaning. It also means when one gets sick, the others will soon follow. And it never happens like a game of "Perfection" where the timer goes off and every thing explodes and you deal with the mess all at once. It happens more like dominoes, with one piece falling at a time.

Since last Saturday, Matt and I have been observing the dreaded "domino effect" in our family. Matt and I decided on Saturday that since Jude is almost one, he should learn how to sleep through the night. I know, I'm a softy when it comes to this subject, and it probably should have been done a lot sooner. So Matt lost a lot of sleep Saturday night so that Jude could learn he doesn't need mama in the middle of the night. I lost my fair share of sleep, too, because this mama hates to hear her babies cry.

Then Sunday night came. Repeat Saturday night's procedure and add Lydia spiking a fever at 2 a.m. for no apparent reason. Monday night, repeat Sunday night procedure, except add Jude spiking a fever at midnight. Tuesday night, repeat Monday night procedure, except drop Lydia and add Joel spiking a fever at 2 a.m. and then Jude at 3 a.m.

Needless to say, I think our bed has seen less of our feet than the floor the last few nights and we're bushed. But then the morning comes and all the littles wake up with bright shiny faces and Matt and I smile at each other and sigh and say, "This is the life."

Tomorrow afternoon, Matt and Paul leave to go on a father/son retreat in the mountains. This morning I said, "Daddy's going to have to go camping to get some sleep."

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