Sunday, August 9, 2009

Julie and Julia

My sister called me three weeks ago to set up a date to go see the movie Julie and Julia. Today was the date we marked on the calendar and we met at the theater this afternoon to see the last matinee of the day. The movie exceeded my expectations (the trailer didn't look all that promising). Ems and I laughed through the whole thing, including parts that the other people in the audience weren't laughing at. What can I say? That's why we can't sit together in church any more.

I especially liked the way the marriages of both the "Julies" were presented in a very positive light, something that's not often done in Hollywood these days. The movie made me want to pick up my copy of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" (which I got for a steal at a yard sale and sits as decoration on my kitchen counter) and give a recipe a go--maybe the boeuf bourguignon for starters. Bon appetit!

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