Sunday, August 16, 2009

Extreme Coupon Success

I've been trying my hand at "extreme couponing" lately. I'll tell you, even though I've used coupons for fifteen years, this has been like learning a new language. For the last couple of months, I have just watched and read the blogs on how to get great deals on groceries and drug store items so that I could build up enough confidence to "go for it."

I finally hit pay dirt last Sunday when I got six cans of matzah cake meal, two cans of macaroons, two boxes of matzah, four boxes of matzah meal (for matzah ball soup) and four jars of gourmet spaghetti sauce for $1.45. Granted, all of this stuff was on clearance, but even so, the total was $16.45 before the checker applied my "extreme discount" of fifteen dollars off my purchase.

I was most excited about the matzah cake meal, which I plan to store in the freezer for our next Passover Seder meal. Every year, I check every grocery store in town for matzah cake meal--always to no avail. I looked into ordering it over the internet, but at $6.00 a can and a minimum $50 order, I gave up and have stuck with the one Passover dessert recipe I found that didn't call for the stuff. No more. Brownies, cakes, cookies--you name it--if it's kosher for Passover I'll be all over it.

In the spirit of couponing success, I'm posting this picture of my purchases, a la "extreme couponing blog."

1 comment:

SarahF said...

Oh Melissa - I'm SO excited for you!!! Way to go :-)