Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another Lydiaism

Today I came home from the dollar store with three audio read along books. You know, the kind where you put the cassette tape in the tape player, the narrator reads the book and the little ringing bell tells you when to turn the pages of the book. Except these books had cds with them. I guess times have changed.

Anyway, Lydia was really thrilled with the books. She listened and followed along through two books right away, and then requested that Elizabeth put the cd from the third book into the cd player.

"I'm hungry for my lunch now, Lydia. I'll do it after I eat my lunch."

I said, "That's o.k., Elizabeth, you go ahead and switch the cd before you eat your lunch."

"Yeah," Lydia said, "It's keeping me quiet."

(Exactly what I was thinking--clever little girl.)

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