Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beatrix Potter = Terrified Children

I've been reading Beatrix Potter's books to the littles on Monday evenings. Last night I read "The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or Roly-Poly Pudding" to them.

The story started by explaining that Mrs. Tabitha Twitchit (a cat) had three mischievous kittens. She decided to lock them in the cupboard on baking day to keep them out of trouble. (I thought, "Why didn't I think of that when my bad bunnies were getting into all sorts of mischief while I was taking my online class earlier?" Just kiddin'.)

Mrs. Tabitha Twitchit couldn't find her third kitten, Tom. Turns out he had been captured by rats living in the walls of the old house.

"Anna Maria," said the old man rat (whose name was Samuel Whiskers), "Anna Maria, make me a kitten dumpling roly-poly pudding for my dinner."
The rats then procured (stole) the necessary ingredients to make kitten pudding--a pat of butter, dough and a rolling pin. They buttered Tom Kitten and rolled him up in the dough. He was rescued just in the nick of time by John Joiner (a dog). Tom Kitten got a bath and all was well that ended well. Until I announced that it was bedtime.

I turned out the lights and all three of the littles snuggled up with me in my big bed. They commented on every sound they heard. "It sounds like some one's out in the kitchen, Momma." "What's that sound outside, Momma?" "Do rats live in our walls, Momma?" Nothing like a little classic children's literature to scare the socks off of your kids.

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