Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Rooster's Demise

Lately, we've had a cocky little rooster come a callin' to see our hens. He flies over the fence from the neighbor's yard. Most of the hens won't have anything to do with him, but just the same, we don't want him around. Since Paul is selling the eggs our hens produce, we don't want to have any fertilized eggs in the bunch.

Anyway, the other night I saw the neighbor man outside. So I gathered up my courage (I knew the language barrier was going to be an issue) and I went over there. I used hand motions, he used hand motions and by the end of our "conversation," I felt we had an understanding. Your chicken no come in my yard anymore.

The rooster was in our yard early the next morning. Later that day I saw him ravishing our friendly white hen. When Matt got home from work, he went to the neighbor's and asked if he could buy his chicken for $10. Apparently, he understood the language of money. Matt motioned that now "the chicken is mine" and the man nodded "yes" enthusiastically.
Paul caught the rooster and put it in an old rabbit cage (thanks Uncle Reid and Aunt Beth) with some food and water. I suggested that Matt do the deed before we had to hear the rooster cock-a-doodle-do in the morning, but we ran some errands and got home too late, so the deed didn't get done.

Five a.m. this morning. The rooster starts in. He cock-a-doodle-doed twenty times (I counted) before Matt woke up and moved the rooster's cage behind the shed. We won't have to hear him tomorrow morning. Paul did the honors under Daddy's supervision before dinner tonight. Problem solved. Unless the neighbors decide to get more roosters.

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