Monday, December 20, 2010

God's Provision

Once again, God has shown me that He is more than capable of providing for my needs (surprise, surprise). For the last couple of months I've been worrying and fretting about things that might happen in the future. My habit (well, let's just call it what it is--sin) is that I take an assessment of my current circumstances and/or problems, then I look at the possible resources/solutions I have at my immediate disposal and conclude that my future holds doom and gloom.

Through my study of Isaiah this year, the Lord has shown me that my feeble little mind cannot possibly conceive of what He has in intended for my future. He has demonstrated this truth to me in very practical ways throughout this past month.

First, I began to worry about Matt and his work. Let's just say that this past Fall, his job has been pretty stressful and all the stress was making his stomach act up again. I wondered how I could possibly manage with a newborn and six other children when my husband was so distracted (painfully so) with his job. Well, guess what? God took care of it. Several months of extreme stress settled down within a couple of weeks when God saw fit to change the circumstances at Matt's work.

Then I worried that Matt's church responsibilities would be too much after the baby is born. God took care of that, too. The guys at church told Matt that they would take over his worship assistance and meeting attendance duties for the next couple of months.

I worried that I wouldn't receive very good care at the hospital during labor and delivery (I had a bad experience last time). God went before me and when I registered at the hospital and told the intake nurse of my concerns. She assured me that I would receive much better care this time. So, I'm looking forward to a pleasant birthing experience (well, as pleasant as it can get :)

Then I worried that I wouldn't have time to make a bunch of freezer meals before the baby comes. I tend to panic when I don't have a dinner plan and there are six hungry mouths to feed. God took care of it. My friend Julie brought three freezer meals over the other night and I have other friends who have volunteered to bring more.

Then I worried that I couldn't possibly get all the "before baby" chores that I'd like to get done accomplished. You guessed it--God took care of it. My two older girls have stepped up to the challenge and have crossed chores off of my list before I have a chance to start on them myself. Elizabeth is my Christmas present wrapping whiz and Grace has cleaned and cleaned. She produced an organized and sparkling clean refrigerator when I was gone at a doctor's appointment one day.

My sister and niece came here on Saturday with happy elf hats and cheerful hearts--all set and ready to work. Raphaella paired with Elizabeth to finish up some Christmas projects. Emily chased away all the dust bunnies that were on top of and underneath the furniture. She even ferreted out a peanut butter covered spoon (ewww!) from under the couch cushions and put it into the kitchen sink where it belonged. At one point during the day, all three of our vacuums were in use. Ahh, the joyous sound of cleaning being accomplished!
An older couple at our church has volunteered to take care of the kids should I go into labor before Christmas (talk about brave, huh?). My Uncle Keith and Aunt Leanna have their bags packed and are currently on standby waiting for THE phone call. (I don't need to call them brave, we've broken them in already:)

All of these things happened without my asking for them. I am humbled when I realize God knows my every need and provides so beautifully for those needs through the workings of His people. In the future, I would do well to remember the following verse:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil 4:6

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