Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christ in Christmas

I've written here before about how Matt and I have made a concerted effort to mark our home for Christ. For the past few years, I've tried to apply the same principle to decorating our home for Christmas. I've culled almost all of the non-Christian decorations from our collection and have instead tried to bring into clearer focus the true meaning of the season--Jesus.

Two years ago, I was intrigued with an idea I saw on one of the homeschooling blogs I read. This particular family had a Christmas garland draped across their fireplace mantel with porcelain ornaments attached to it. Each ornament had a different name of Jesus on it. The family said they had purchased the garland some years ago, but that it was no longer available for sale.

I scoured the internet looking for something similar, but I turned up nothing. Several people had laminated paper "names of Jesus garlands," for sale, but these just weren't the look I was after. That year after Christmas, I bought three garlands on clearance (I wanted one garland for our family and two to give as gifts) and a bunch of blank wooden ornaments with the intention of putting together my own names of Jesus garlands the following Christmas.

When Fall rolled around that year, I tried to track down a faux painter who could paint the ornaments for me. I got the name of someone, but she didn't return my calls, so the project didn't happen. When I started Bible study this Fall, I was tickled to discover that in my very own discussion group was a faux painter who was looking for work. Then a crisis hit her life, she went into survival mode and I just knew I couldn't ask her to paint for me. It looked like the project would be shelved for another year.

However, as I mulled the options for the garland over in my mind, I hit upon the idea of using small picture frames to showcase each name of Jesus. I purchased the frames at the dollar store and then set about deciding which names of Jesus to use. So many meaningful choices, but I had to hone down the list to only seven. These are the names I chose, "Emmanuel" (Mt. 1:23), "Alpha & Omega" (Rev. 1:8), "I Am" (Jn. 8:38), "Bread of Life" (Jn. 6:48) and "King of Kings" (Rev. 17:14). The seventh picture frame has the name "Jesus" in it. I placed this frame in the center of the garland.
To attach the frames to the garland, I hot glued loops of antique velvet green ribbon that I inherited from Matt's great grandmother to the back of each frame. Matt did all the computer printing and framing for me. I had originally planned on adding Christmas floral picks to the garland, but I decided I liked the simplicity of the frames only.
I'm not a much of a project person anymore. I just don't have the time. However, this particular project was important to me and I knew if I didn't make something happen with it this year, I would totally lose the momentum I needed to complete the task and the materials would be forever relegated to the land of unfinished projects. Most importantly, the garland serves its intended purpose, which is to glorify Christ at Christmas. I need to continually remember to apply this truth to my own heart, not just to the decorating of our home during this harried and busy time of year.
(The three wise men from our nativity set are also on the fireplace mantel. They will move to the manger scene on Epiphany.)

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