Sunday, January 23, 2011

Home Ec Training

Grace received a blank cook book from me for her birthday this past fall. My friend Tammy gave me the idea of giving the cook book, as she did the same thing with her two older daughters. When Grace has successfully prepared a recipe, she's allowed to add it to her cookbook. By the end of her high school career, she should have quite a repertoire of cooking skills and recipes from which to draw as she begins her adult life.

I gave Grace a hands on home economics assignment a couple of weeks ago with the cook book project in mind. By "hands on," I mean that I kept my hands off. I told Grace to make dinner. The choice of menu was entirely hers. I gave her one hint--start working by 4 p.m. Grace has proven she can follow a recipe. She has surpassed me in her proficiency with yeast breads. However, getting multiple dishes on the table in a timely manner and at approximately the same time has eluded her. It's simply a matter of practice.

When I have the girls help me make dinner, I'm the one with the overall time line in my head. I'm the one directing which dishes should be started at what time and so forth. Therefore, Grace has not had much practice in this particular area, just because she hasn't had to do it. I used the fact that I was caring for a newborn as a reason to turn the reigns completely over to Grace that night.

She made the Pioneer Woman's Meatloaf--to die (I do mean, to die) for. She also made mashed potatoes, sauteed broccoli with garlic and bacon. She warmed some rolls in the oven to round out the meal. (We've also been working on making balanced menus--i.e.--just chicken and rice won't cut it--let's add a veggie and fruit as well.) Grace asked me a couple of questions during the process of cooking, but mostly, she completed the dinner all on her own. Even though we didn't eat until 6:45, the dinner made up for its late start in tastiness. It was delicious. She was considered the queen of the evening by both her dad and little brother Paul who were over the moon with all that bacony goodness.

We've been blessed to have quite a few meals from friends delivered to our home over the past couple of weeks, so even I'm out of cooking practice. As of this week, we're back on the menu planning band wagon and Grace will be getting even more time in the kitchen to hone her dinner preparation skills.

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