Monday, January 10, 2011

A Well-Oiled Machine

The older kids have been doing a fantastic job of keeping this place humming along during my postpartum recovery. Grace and Elizabeth have been making sure that the kitchen is always clean, that the clothes washer and dryer are always running and that the little ones are fed and readied for the day.
In addition to her other duties, Grace has been keeping us supplied with whole wheat bread.
Elizabeth is my expert baby holder. The baby is mostly with me out of necessity, but when he's not, Elizabeth is first in line to volunteer for babysitting duty. Isaac seems to be very comfortable in her arms.
In order to keep the household running smoothly, Paul has also been pulling a little extra weight around here. In addition to helping his Dad and sisters, he is still taking good care of his chickens (and their eggs). His egg selling business is going quite well. He's always got plenty of egg orders to fill.
Paul has used every spare minute he's had lately in the building of a dogsled. Yesterday a couple from church dropped off dinner and stayed a little while to chat. Paul was all ears when Mr. L began to describe how he once made a dogsled by steaming elm saplings and bending them into the proper shape. After the couple left, Paul immediately went out to the shed to continue working on his dogsled. Never mind that we don't have a dog. I guess that's just a minor detail that will somehow work itself out. Snow is in the forecast, so Paul is pushing himself hard to finish up his project very quickly.

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