Saturday, January 1, 2011

We're Home

We arrived home yesterday from the hospital to half a dozen very excited kids. Needless to say, we're sure Isaac will not lack for affection around here. I always expect a rough first 24 hours after I come home from the hospital. Everyone has to jockey for position, finding his or her new place in the family structure and inevitably, the newborn who rested so peacefully in the hospital decides to stay up all night long. That's pretty much how it turned out. We had quite a few little squabbles that we had to break up and some tears, too. Suddenly, Daddy became the go-to person for cuddles since I was otherwise occupied. I think Matt had four kids on his lap last night while we tried to watch "Michael Palin's Europe"--exciting New Year's viewing.
We all headed to bed early. I was sooo happy to get in my own bed and know that I wouldn't be bothered by nurses all night long--just a newborn and a still-adjusting-to-not-being-the-baby two year old. When our neighbors set off fireworks at midnight, I was holding and rocking baby Isaac, who was looking very intently into my eyes. Last year at that same moment, I was crying tears of grief. This year, I was crying tears of joy. What a beautiful baby. What a beautiful God.
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17

P.S.--Thanks to Uncle Keith, Aunt Leanna, Mom & Dad Macduff for taking care of our kiddos while we were away. Thanks to Mom & Dad Hilliard for the abundance of baby clothes, blankets, flowers and love. Thanks to Tammy and girls for providing a wonderful first-night-at-home meal. To Julie for little gifts for ALL the kids (much to their delight) and MORE goodies. Thanks also to Sande for the pumpkin dessert and to Rena for taking Lydia on a play date and for all the well wishes and visits from loved ones and friends. And I'm sure I've forgotten somebody or something, but grace for this tired Momma would be appreciated. I know my memory will only get worse over the next couple of months. As my sister-in-law, mother of eight says, "My heart is big, but my brain is small."

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