Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Bath

Jude has had his first bath. His umbilical cord fell off on Sunday. The kids and I got out the baby bath tub last night and put baby Jude in the perfectly warm water. He pretty much hated every minute of it. I'll never forget the first bath we gave Grace. She absolutely LOVED it. She smiled and kicked and splashed. Every child is different. God's creativity is never exhausted. It's amazing how completely different six kids can be from each other.

We had a nice weekend with my mom. Grandma Jane is now Lydia's "best friend." Best friends do everything together, including using the bathroom. Best friends can sometimes surprise you, especially when they say "I'll spank you, Lydia, if you don't get dressed for church." "No you won't, because my mom and dad will get mad." "No they won't." Guess who won that one? Lydia did in fact get dressed for church (and her best friend didn't have to spank her). When Grandma Jane had to go home, Lydia cried because she didn't want her "best friend" to leave.

Grace and I have been canning peaches the last couple of days. Matt gave permission for such craziness out of the blue over the weekend. He and the girls picked the peaches just before the Elberta season was coming to a close. We won't can as much as usual, but we'll at least have some peaches for the winter.

The fall schedule is kicking in, despite my wanting to put it off. Matt started Bible Study Fellowship again on Monday night. Grace, Elizabeth, Paul, Lydia and I will start as soon as the Lord allows--hopefully within the next week or two. The girls have started their school work for the year and I'll start working on phonics with Paul soon. We're into the thick of things. I'm taking one day at a time. If I look too far ahead I get overwhelmed.

My morning Bible reading included this verse from 1 Corinthians--a little bit of encouragement for a weary mother:

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Cor. 15:58

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