Thursday, September 11, 2008


People say that they'll always remember where they were and what they were doing the day President Kennedy was assassinated. I'll always remember what I was doing on 9/11. I was heading off to the women's Bible study at our church. I saw the initial coverage on the t.v., then drove to Bible study. As I recall, all of us women were in shock. The full impact of what had happened hadn't sunk in yet.

The next day, Matt stayed home as his work had been canceled. Our friends Julie and Brian came over and Julie and I got the baby stuff organized in anticipation of Paul's arrival at the end of the month. We watched the t.v. as we worked. I wondered about bringing another child into such a changed world.

Today I read an article about a woman who left her nine year old boy in the New York Bloomingdale's, gave him $20 and told him to find his way home on the New York subway system. He did arrive home safely 45 minutes later. She claims that today's parents are hyper-vigilant, that the dangers to children these days are no more severe than they were when we were growing up. I beg to differ. I didn't grow up in a world where religious extremists hell-bent on annihilating other people flew airplanes into buildings. I didn't grow up in a world where internet porn was as easy to access as a jar of mayonnaise from your own refrigerator.

Today we hung our flag in remembrance of 9/11. Our family watched the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial Dedication Ceremony on t.v. We will never forget. Thank the Lord that we are not without hope, even in this fallen world. Praise God for our eternal hope--His only son, Jesus Christ.

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