Monday, September 22, 2008

Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord our Provider)

God promises to provide for our needs. Why do I doubt this? Last week I began to feel panic well up inside me. Matt and I have made a commitment that our entire family will attend Bible Study Fellowship. This Bible study keeps us accountable to stay in God's Word. It is a study of God's Word (not a book about His Word) and the children's program is top notch. The children study the Bible (the actual Bible, not cute little Bible stories) and learn the same truths that the adults are learning (of course at a level they can understand).

As of last week, I was the only one in the family who had not found a way to return to BSF. On Monday I began to pray that the Lord would provide the childcare I needed for Wednesday morning. I asked my discussion group leader to pray. That night, when Matt and the kids returned home from their BSF classes, Grace handed me a note. All it had was a woman's name and phone number written on it. Grace said this woman told her she would be interested in babysitting for me on Wednesday mornings so I could attend the day class.

I called the woman the next day. She had been praying about babysitting for me since she ran into me during the summer. I knew her from BSF and I must have mentioned something about my quandry then, although I don't remember doing so. She's perfect for the job. She loves kids (she's a children's leader) and more importantly she knows and loves MY kids.

God never ceases to surprise me in His provision. What an honor (and adventure!) to be His servant.

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