Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Civics Lesson

I remember when Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. I was in the fourth grade. My teacher walked with the entire class from the school to her house. We all squeezed into her living room and watched the inauguration on her t.v. I now know that my teacher voted for Jimmy Carter. I'm sure she was disappointed to see Reagan take office, but she still wanted her students to see history in the making.

Today, my little homeschool watched President Obama take office. Even though his stance on abortion prevented him from receiving my vote, the kids and I watched the inauguration and I couldn't help but remember that day back in 1981. I talked to the kids about the "peaceful transition of power" and how many countries in the world have violent changes in leadership. I reminded the kids that we live in the greatest country in the world and that we are here by God's grace. Our duty is first to God, then to country. As Christians, we are to submit to the governing authorities and pray for the people in power over us, that they would honor God and not men.

I'm grateful to God that I live in America, but my true citizenship is in Heaven and I continually "wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:13)

1 comment:

The Engineer said...

We were able to watch the inauguration right before we left town. The most intriguing part for me was also the "peaceful transition of power" aspect. We are so blessed to not live somewhere where a military coup is the next likely change in power.

Brian K