Saturday, January 3, 2009

Duck Hunt

Paul has been after Grandpa Tom to go duck hunting. Yesterday, Paul got his wish. Matt and Paul drove to Grandma and Grandpa's on Thursday night so they could leave from their house early in the morning. Before they left, I asked Paul if he had enough socks packed. "I have four pairs, Mom."
"What about underwear, do you have underwear?"
"Ahhhhh," was his disappointed reply as he ran back to his room to grab some underwear. "Moooom, I already changed my underwear today."

Unfortunately, it snowed during the night. Grandpa Tom, Matt and Paul were late in getting to the duck blind because they got stuck driving behind a snow plow. When they arrived at the blind, some of the decoys were frozen beneath the blanket of new snow. The decoys that weren't frozen were bobbing in the water with two inches of snow on top of their heads. The real ducks didn't fall for it, but the guys did get in some good "guy time" and were able to trade stories about their grandpas (after the hunt, of course).

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