Thursday, January 29, 2009

Debt Free Living

I finished the Duggars' book, 20 and Counting! this past weekend. I expected the book to be merely a fun and easy read--and it was, but it was also very convicting in many areas. This family (who openly admit that they are sinners saved by grace) tries to honor Christ in all that they do.

Early in their marriage, the Duggars took a class at their church about debt free living. They've been living debt-free ever since. They bought a bus that they use for family trips that they bought for $2,000. They built their 7,000 square foot home debt free, buying materials only when they had the cash to do so. (They originally estimated it would take a year to build their house, but it took three years. The Discovery channel actually finished the home because the production crew didn't think they could hang around long enough to film the completion.) Throughout the book, the Duggars site many examples in which the Lord provided for them in miraculous ways by arranging for them to buy things (including land) at incredible prices, all because they decided that they would live debt free.

Reading about the Duggars was the cherry on top of the sundae for me, so to speak. Since reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover two years ago (and then again a month ago), Matt and I have been really mulling over this whole debt free living thing. When I first read Dave's book, I was pretty offended. We had just financed the Suburban and he was preaching about driving only paid-for cars. Well, the Lord works all things to the good and He is merciful. We really needed that Suburban that year because we had four children of our own and our niece. Slowly, but surely, the Lord showed us that our true treasure is not to be found in things, but only in Him. By the time we decided to sell the Suburban, we couldn't wait to get rid of it.

Tonight, Matt and I start Dave Ramsey's class, "Financial Peace University." It's a 13-week class that covers everything from getting out of debt, to kid's college funds, to retirement investing and paying off your home early. Matt and I are excited to get started and see what the Lord has for us there.

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