Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday

Elizabeth turned ten today. She didn't want to go out on a date to a restaurant with Mom and Dad. She opted to stay at home. She requested Basil Pesto Chicken Pasta for dinner and her usual yellow cake with orange buttercream frosting. Her cousin, Raphaella, came to help us celebrate. The girls made little chocolate truffle mice after dinner. I had gotten all the ingredients for the candies at Christmas time and never got around to making them, so the girls got their chance tonight. Lots of chocolate everywhere and lots of giggles, too.

Elizabeth is a unique child. She walked on her knees until she was eighteen months old. She didn't talk until she was nearly three. She has always been a homebody. She'd rather stay home than go just about anywhere, especially if more than a half hour drive is involved. She's the person in the family who keeps everyone on schedule. She's also very precise. The Christmas before last, my Dad and I walked in from church and Elizabeth announced that Daddy had overcooked the beautiful prime rib we were to have for dinner. "He didn't pull it out of the oven until 136F and he was supposed to pull it out at 135F!" She has an excellent memory and we often turn to her when we don't remember a date or an event.

Tonight, Daddy said a blessing over Elizabeth at dinner, asking that the Lord would grow her into a wise and godly woman. By the Lord's grace, it will be so.

1 comment:

strawberry_kid said...

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Love, The Koeppel's, especially Opal