Sunday, December 14, 2008

Celebrating with GG

Our kids are fortunate to have two great grandmothers. We helped one of them celebrate her 85th birthday yesterday. We thought the winter storms that were predicted would cancel our travel plans, but we were able to get there after the worst of it had passed. Grandma was very pleased that we made it safe and sound. We had a wonderful time helping her celebrate such a momentous occasion. We enjoyed seeing our aunts, uncles and cousins,too. We even had an unexpected treat in being able to attend church with Grandma this morning and meet many of her friends.

The drive home was gorgeous. The evergreens were all decked out in their winter white. It looked like God had taken a giant sifter and gone wild with the confectioner's sugar. The Christmas hymns we had playing in the van were the perfect accompaniment to God's handiwork.

One funny to share. Last night we stayed in a hotel. Joel fell asleep in Grace and Elizabeth's bed and then Daddy transferred him to the port-a-crib. I heard sniffling and whimpering at 1 a.m. and looked up to see Joel standing at the rail of the crib with a very sad face. I picked him up and he let out a wail and began pointing to the door. I think he thought we were staying at the Hotel California. I was able to comfort him and get him settled down again, but it took a while. This morning when Joel woke up, he put on his shoes right away (over his feet pjers) and then proceeded to hand everyone else their shoes. He was quite sure he wanted to leave that place and he wanted to make sure we were all going to go with him. Poor little guy. You have to wonder what goes through their little heads sometimes. Joel did enjoy the ride home and was especially pleased to find snow had fallen at our house while we were away. He just kept squealing, "Snowwwww! Snowwww!" I know he'll be delighted to have his first playtime in the snow tomorrow morning.

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