Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goings On

The whole family (except Grace) has been sick with the crud that Lydia brought home. Daddy missed two days of work. I woke up this morning with grand plans to paint the master bed and bath and then realized I felt too yucky to do much of anything. A well person might get the aforementioned project done in two days, but a sick person might just give up and go to bed (which I did).

Here's some pictures of what's been going on at our house the past week:

Paul "going green" by using a Huggies box to make a fighter plane.
Our shower (or what was left of it) after the guys tore out everything with mold on it--gross!
The bed where Jude and I slept for a couple of nights. We got this old cast iron bed from the farm where my grandpa grew up and stored it in our barn for six years. Matt had the bed painted for me for our anniversary back in October. We finally found a newer, clean mattress on Craig's list and now it's my temporary sleeping spot until our bathroom is done ( after giving birth to six children, I no longer have a bladder of steel). The guys were kind enough to put our toilet back in place for the weekend, which is good because I miss sleeping beside my sweetie.Paul has been stuck like glue to the two nice Christian men who are redoing the bathroom. They let him pull out nails, be a tool gopher and answer his endless questions about why they do what they do. They even took Paul on their lunch break yesterday and treated him to pizza. Man stuff--Paul is in heaven.
My birthday tulips are blooming, providing a little spot of sunshine to brighten up the foggy days we've been having.

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