Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Unplugged II

We didn't make it to church tonight. We're just too sick. Matt, anticipating this outcome, set aside a few ashes to use for a little Ash Wednesday service here at home tonight. (He's the one in charge of getting the ashes for church, so he can do that.) I had planned on soup supper for dinner tonight. Instead, I made tacos.

While we were eating, the kids began talking about the t.v.
"Daddy, the t.v. isn't working. Why isn't the t.v. working?"
"Because I called the President and told him to turn off our t.v."
"You can't just call the President!"
"You can when you want your t.v. turned off."
"Little kids need the t.v.!" "Yeah, we need the t.v. to entertain the little kids!"

Then Daddy asked Elizabeth if the electrician had come to do the wiring for the septic. "Yeah he came, but the t.v. stopped working before that."

Looks like we'll have some 'splainin' to do tonight. In fact, I just heard Daddy say, "I said, we will discuss it in a minute." I'd better go join him.

1 comment:

strawberry_kid said...

Ugh! I hear you on it not being a good time to turn IT off. I will pray for y'all and also pray you start getting back to health. ~Julie