Friday, June 13, 2008

Busy Days

The last couple of days have been packed full of activity. Matt, Elizabeth and myself headed up north on Wednesday. We had made an a appointment for Elizabeth to be evaluated by a woman who specializes in helping kids with learning difficulties quite some time ago. Even though the timing seemed inconvenient, especially for Elizabeth who is still adjusting to our move, we felt we needed to go. Elizabeth is a visual spatial thinker. These types of kids don't learn well in traditional ways. Most all people are verbal thinkers. Examples of visual spacial thinkers in history are Winston Churchill, Leonardo DaVinci and Albert Einstein. Tommy Hilfiger, the fashion designer, is also a visual spatial thinker. Elizabeth had chronic ear infections until she was three. She probably missed a lot of tones and frequencies because she couldn't hear them and her brain is not wired to hear them now. So, for a week in July, this woman and Elizabeth will be working together to help Elizabeth weed out the negative ways her brain functions, while keeping all the positive things her brain is able to do. No voodoo involved, just brain exercises. The cost for this therapy is not insignificant, but we know the Lord will provide. Grandma Dianne and Grandpa Bob have agreed to house and feed the woman who will be helping Elizabeth, so this expense will be eliminated. Already the Lord is at work.

Yesterday morning I headed over to the other house to meet Cindy from church. She's going to be getting the place spic and span for us so that's it's ready to sell. We talked about what she'd be doing and I apologized for the mess. Who knew all those dust bunnies lurked under the piano and washing machine? She and the handyman will begin working on Monday--hopefully they won't be in each other's way.

I also had my blood drawn to test glucose levels and my ultrasound to check on the placenta yesterday afternoon. It all went the opposite of the way I thought it would. The placenta is just fine and is no longer lying low. I usually pass the glucose test with flying colors, but yesterday I didn't. I've been fasting for 12 hours and will sit in the blood lab this morning for 3 hours while they do another test. Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my Friday morning, but I'll take a good book and make the best of it.

Joel also had his last appointment with the orthopedic doc yesterday. All is looking really good and Joel is even able to take a few steps now. Good thing the baby gates arrived Wednesday.

Tomorrow we head to the other house to collect the rest of the things in the barn and garage. If we have time, we'll do a little clean up, too. I'm impatient (and pregnant) and I'd like to have that house on the market and this house all put away and organized, but it's just going to take time. The Lord is generous in providing for all our needs (and beyond) and He'll be gracious to give us the strength to do what we need to do each day.

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