Monday, June 2, 2008


Today the floodgates opened. Both Paul and Elizabeth had a good cry. They've been pretty upset about leaving this house. They say they're going to miss "Jubilee" the cherry tree the most. "It's the best climbing tree in the whole wide world," Elizabeth keeps telling us.

Matt and I have been feeling the squeeze in this house for a couple of years. Constant sources of frustration for me have been the laundry/pantry room and the kitchen. Matt has been frustrated by the garage. The kids don't feel any of this. Their needs are so simple.

Grace has only scant memories of the house we lived in before this one. Elizabeth was 18 mos. old when we moved here. For the little ones, this is the only house they've ever known.

I tried to comfort Paul and Elizabeth by telling them that change is hard. Moving is hard. When my parents moved out of my childhood home it was hard on me. I had already been married two years and had a child of my own.

I've told the kids that Mom and Dad know the Lord is leading this family to move to the new house. This house is an answer to prayer. Obeying God, for the most part, is very difficult, but always yields sweet fruit. God loves us and knows what's best for us. These are all hard concepts for little ones to wrap their brains around. They understand the concrete--a real tree that they can touch and see and climb. They can't imagine loving another house as much as they love this house. I've ask them to trust God to give them a surprise made just for them at the new house. I'm praying for their little hearts--that God will manifest Himself to them in a very real way and they would know their true comfort can only come from Him.

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