Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Vision of Glory

Move day is a busy and chaotic time, both physically exhausting and mentally straining as you try to remember and sort every item you own. But there are also many moments of joy and more.
  • To really labor beside other men (and women too I suppose) is a joy of its own. That they are working to help you adds a touch of humility.
  • A house full of busy people is exciting (if you can keep up:)
  • A house full of excited kids (>10), exploring, sharing the joy of something new.
  • A shower and a soft bed in the quiet at the end of the day.
There are many others that I could have seen (or might have remembered) but you can think of your own. But . . . there was a moment of glory that exceeds the others.

As I passed through the living room, I saw my sister-in-law nursing her few-months-old baby, my 8-months pregnant sister, my mother and my own 6-months pregnant wife, all sitting and talking. What words can describe that fleeting moment?

Three things are said to be the most beautiful: a woman with child, a ship in full sail, and a field of corn waving in the wind.


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