Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Advantages of Spica Casts

As we are now five weeks into this adventure, I feel I'm qualified to attest to the advantages of spica casts.
  1. I don't have to pick up all the little choking hazards I find on the floor (definitely an advantage for this pregnant mommy).
  2. I don't have to constantly ask the kids, "Where's Joel?" I know he'll be right where I left him.
  3. Snuggles, snuggles, snuggles. Joel can't wriggle away from my cuddles.
  4. Joy! When I pick Joel up, he absolutely bursts with delight. He pats my back and smiles, hugs my neck and holds my face in his little chubby hands. Joy abounds-- for both of us.
  5. Nap time. Joel insists that I put my face right against his and we both fall asleep extra snuggly close.
These are the things I'll miss when the cast comes off in two weeks. Joel is already showing us that he's bound and determined to be mobile, even with the cast on. I know as soon as Joel is free from all encumbrances, he'll be a hard little guy to catch and cuddle. I guess all good things must come to an end.

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