The cast tech did a marvelous job. She was really sweating (literally). She said she'd removed two other spica casts and we could tell she was a bit nervous, but she took the thing off like a pro. (I was praying the whole time.) Matt, myself and two nurses held Joel down during the process. He cried at first, but seemed to understand what was going on and then settled down. When the cast tech was done, she gave us a box of wet wipes and said, "There you go, clean him up." Then she left the room. I think she needed a few minutes to get herself together. After Matt and I cleaned Joel up the best we could, we put a diaper and some shorts on him. It's been almost two months since he's worn any bottoms. The doctor came in and said he'd like to see Joel in a couple of weeks and get one more x-ray, just to be on the safe side.
Matt then went to work and the kids and I headed to the expensive for "very special occasions only" bakery. I told Paul and Elizabeth (Grace and Lydia were at home) they could pick whatever they wanted. They both looked at me with big eyes and then back at the cookie case to make the absolute best choice. In the past, I've told them they could only pick out something $1 or less, so they were delighted to not have to follow that rule today. Joel pointed to a frosted blue bird cookie, so that's what I got him. The kids and I then picked out something for Daddy, Grace and Elizabeth and got back in the van to head to Joel's appointment with the pediatrician. By the time we got to the doctor's office, Joel was covered in frosting. Good thing we were a couple of minutes early so that I had time to clean him up.
The pediatrician gave Joel a clean bill of health. His ears are clear and won't require another round of antibiotics. Another answer to prayer! I just didn't want to fiddle with all of that while trying to pack to move.
I put Joel in the tub after we got home and ate lunch. He started kicking both legs and laughing and squealing. I gently scrubbed as much dry skin off as possible. It was so good to give him a thorough cleaning. After his bath, I rubbed Joel all over with lotion and put clean clothes on him. I picked him up and he squawked and kicked to let me know how good he felt. What a luxury to be able to fill a tub with hot, clean water and give just one child a bath. So many mommies in the world can't do that.
I read two chapters of Anne of Green Gables to the kids and then we all had a really good quiet time. Joel was so happy to be in bed and be able to move both of his legs. He patted my face and looked at me contentedly, then he fell asleep.
I'm sure it will take a bit for Joel to recover full use of his leg, but he's already raring to go, so I know it won't take too long. I've told the kids we have to watch him very closely, especially during the move. And as the doctor said, "No more bunk beds!"
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