Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lydia's New Best Friend
Christmas Blessings
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Cheer
Lydia's reactions were so cute this year. I gave her a package of socks. When she opened them she jumped up and down and said, "Socks! Just what I always wanted for Christmas!"
When Daddy opened up his hot sauce he had gotten from Paul, Lydia jumped up and down and said, "Yeah, Daddy! Hot sauce for your food!"
Joel is still a bit young to "get" the whole present opening thing, so Lydia graciously helped him open his gifts. When she got the paper off of the little truck Joel received, she said, "Yeah Joel! A truck! A truck!" It was so kind of Lydia to provide her little brother her present-opening services as well as the appropriate reaction to the present.
In Lydia's defense, she had to watch everyone else open presents because we saved her present, the dollhouse, for the very last. First, she opened up the little Ty dolls that Grace and Elizabeth gave her. There were four dolls, all exactly the same. We found them at Goodwill so they were within the girls' budget. Lydia was delighted. Then we had Lydia open the furniture that came with the dollhouse. She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. We let her play with the dolls and the furniture for a few minutes and then I said, "Lydia, what do you think your dolls might need to keep them warm and dry?" As we all marched upstairs, Lydia said, "I know! Coats!" When we got upstairs we told her to take the sheet off of the big thing in the corner. After she removed the sheet and saw the dollhouse, she stood and stared silently for a brief moment. Lydia--at a loss for words--pretty amazing. Then she started jumping and cheering. The whole family got a big kick out of watching her reaction.
The biggest hit of the night, however, was a large magnifying glass that Grace and Elizabeth bought Paul at the dollar store. All the little kids loved it. Joel picked it up and looked through it and Paul said, "Look! Joel wants to investigate, too!"
As we were readying ourselves for bed Grace asked, "Mommy, when is it that you loose all the little kid anticipation of opening your gifts?" I asked her, "Why, did that happen to you?" "Yeah," she said. I went on to explain that it's hard to put a finger on it, but one year, when you're about thirteen, you realize you don't have all that wonderful anticipation anymore. Then you begin to get more enjoyment out of watching others open their gifts. That's why Mommy and Grandma are always last to open their gifts.
Today is our day to ready ourselves and the house for tomorrow. The septic has been pumped (more on that another day) in anticipation of the extra family we're expecting. Matt is going to pick up a birthday cake for Jesus at Dairy Queen because I didn't make a Red Velvet cake in my effort to "simplify." I'm going to try to get all the laundry done so I won't have to worry about it on Christmas. By tonight we'll have our work done and we'll cuddle up around the fire, finish hanging the ornaments on the Jesse Tree and remind ourselves of the greatest gift of all--the Christ child.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Miracle
I didn't ride it out. I argued with God all week. "You asked me to trust You, and now this is happening." That Sunday, our pastor showed us pictures of the time when he was living in Jerusalem. I probably was the only one crying at the showing. To see where Jesus actually walked, knowing that He left His former glory to walk amongst us in the dust and filth and our sin, it all hit me afresh. I was completely humbled. I prayed right then and there, "Lord, you bought me for a price payed with Your own precious blood. Do with me as You will."
The next day, which was Christmas Eve, I got a call from my doctor. He told me that he thought things were going to be alright. My hormone levels were going up as they should and that I should come into the office in a couple of weeks for an ultrasound. I told him that he had made our Christmas. My first thought after I hung up the phone was, "How great are the mercies of the Lord, they are new every morning." I was ashamed of the cantankerous attitude that I'd had all week and repented of it right then and there.
Here is a picture of that baby boy, named Jude because Jude means "praise." His middle name (also his Daddy's middle name) is Christopher, which means Christ-bearer. Jude is thriving. He smiles and coos and is tipping the scales at sixteen pounds. That's right, he's not yet four months old and he's wearing 6-9 mos. clothes (the cute little outfit he's wearing in the picture was given to him by our dear friend Eleanor).
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
We've been thoroughly enjoying our new (to us) fireplace insert, especially with the temperatures dipping into the single digits here lately. We used up all the firewood I insisted Matt bring over here from the old house. The prospect of Christmas without a fire seemed unthinkable, so Matt ordered a cord of firewood.
The guy showed up with the load right after quiet time today. I naively thought he'd stack it where I wanted it. No, he just threw it on the driveway. He insisted that it would only take an hour or so to stack, but that I'd better get on it because the snow was starting to fly. My naivete also extended to not knowing how much wood is actually in a cord of wood. It's a lot. I started stacking while Paul rearranged the pile in the driveway. By the time Matt got home from work, I had the job two thirds completed and then he and Paul finished it for me.
Matt was pleased with my idea of stacking the firewood on the front porch so that it would be easier to bring into the house. However, I had the idea before I actually saw how much wood there was. So now our house looks like we're expecting Old Man Winter to produce weather like that found in the Swiss Alps. Oh well, it's better than a moldy pumpkin.
Goodbye to an Old Friend
Matt sold his pickup truck this past weekend. That '66 Chevy served him well. He bought it when he was in high school. He replaced the transmission (twice) and made many other improvements, including installing an ignition switch so he didn't need the key to start the truck. Matt's most frequent passenger in those early years was his Golden Retriever, Roscoe. When I arrived on the scene during Matt's last year of college, I took Roscoe's seat beside Matt and Roscoe was relegated to the back of the pickup. Roscoe passed away, but the truck, she kept going.
That truck made many trips back and forth over the mountains to and from college. After Matt graduated, it took him to work everyday. It brought all our wedding gifts to our first tiny apartment. It transported my Grandma's piano to our first little house. Gracie was just two weeks old at the time and she made the journey North and back with us. The truck hauled loads of junk to the dump and countless loads of bark, sod, dirt and brick. She saved Matt (and our black lab, Abby) from terrible injury on icy roads one early January morning when she rolled, but landed upright with Matt and the dog safely inside. Matt and a friend banged out the dents (as best they could) and Matt continued to drive the truck to work for the next two years.
The truck never really recovered from the rollover, though, and continued to fall into disrepair. In all her lifetime she never was converted to use unleaded gas. The pickup needed a new radiator and had numerous other ailments. Yet, she took her biyearly trip to the dump and was even able to transport Matt's riding lawnmower to our new house this past summer. Alas, though, her time was done. She had served her owner well for many years. The truck was sold to a man who seemed to have high hopes of repairing her. Maybe she still has the capability of providing a another batch of memories to the new owner, a man who will have the time to love her the way Matt always did.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Milestones of Adulthood
Christmas Song
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Celebrating with GG
The drive home was gorgeous. The evergreens were all decked out in their winter white. It looked like God had taken a giant sifter and gone wild with the confectioner's sugar. The Christmas hymns we had playing in the van were the perfect accompaniment to God's handiwork.
One funny to share. Last night we stayed in a hotel. Joel fell asleep in Grace and Elizabeth's bed and then Daddy transferred him to the port-a-crib. I heard sniffling and whimpering at 1 a.m. and looked up to see Joel standing at the rail of the crib with a very sad face. I picked him up and he let out a wail and began pointing to the door. I think he thought we were staying at the Hotel California. I was able to comfort him and get him settled down again, but it took a while. This morning when Joel woke up, he put on his shoes right away (over his feet pjers) and then proceeded to hand everyone else their shoes. He was quite sure he wanted to leave that place and he wanted to make sure we were all going to go with him. Poor little guy. You have to wonder what goes through their little heads sometimes. Joel did enjoy the ride home and was especially pleased to find snow had fallen at our house while we were away. He just kept squealing, "Snowwwww! Snowwww!" I know he'll be delighted to have his first playtime in the snow tomorrow morning.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Photo Shoot
This year--three different days, about fifty different shots. Result--one so-so picture that I'll call good enough. I resorted to bribery for all three photo shoots. On the last shoot I pulled out the M & Ms I had intended to put in the candy dish on Christmas Eve. Joel wasn't satisfied with just a couple of M & Ms, he wanted the whole bag. So I gave it to him. He's got a mouthful and tight grip on the bag in the Macduff Kids 2008 Christmas picture. At least Joel was IN picture. Up to that point he wouldn't have anything to do with it. I know the other kids felt the same way, they just have slightly more self-control. Next year we'll try again with the same predictable results, I'm sure.
One thing I did differently this year--I didn't worry about the kids clothes. I just took the picture in black and white so that it wouldn't matter that Paul's camo clashed with Lydia's pink coat. Here's a few pictures that didn't make the cut:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Jesus is the Reason II
The last few summers, the gals and I have been studying the concept of "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." The last couple of years, I've made a conscious effort to put this into practice during the Christmas season. I've had some successes and some failures. This year I'm back at it again. I've also added the goal of "learning to be content in every circumstance." Instead of seeing interruptions as interruptions, I try to accept them and not get angry because of them.
I have a three-pronged approach to warding off the Christmas grumpies. I'm using this approach again this year and I plan to do better than I did last year. Next year I'll plan to do better than I did this year. Here it is:
1. Stay in the Word. No matter how busy I get, if I don't take time for my morning Bible reading, everything falls apart. I usually only spend fifteen to twenty minutes reading through the scriptures of the day in my one year Bible. I say a couple of quick prayers and then get started on the day. (I do all this in the bathroom--the only place where I can get a bit of privacy.) I do try to spend longer times in prayer when I can (during quiet time or in the middle of the night).
2. Delegate. This is a toughy for me. I like to do things my way, therefore I like to do things myself. I've had to learn that other people do things differently than I do and that's o.k.--at least it's done. Besides, the kids are eager to help out with tasks such as stuffing Christmas cards, wrapping presents and baking.
3. Lower expectations. Some things won't get done well or done at all. That's o.k. My expectations have lowered so much over the years I hardly recognize them anymore, but it's just not possible for me to do all that I used to do at Christmas.
As a way to check my attitude this year, I've been asking myself, "When my kids are grown, will they remember Crabby Christmas Momma or will they remember peaceful momma who took the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus with them?" I'm not saying I'll do all of this perfectly this year. Sanctification is a process, but it's a process that's well worth the goal. "Not that I have already obtained all of this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." (Phil. 3:12)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jesus is the Reason
Yesterday I was reading a blog of a homeschooling mom that I heard speak at a conference a few years back. This mom related a time when the pastor of their church asked the congregation, "If someone were to walk into your home at Christmas time, would they know you were celebrating Christ's birth?" This mom went on to explain how over the years she and her husband began eliminating certain Christmas decorations. She said it was really difficult to get rid of the decorations because they had sentimental value, but upon reflection, she realized they had no "Christ value."
A few years ago, Matt and I began an elimination process of our own--and it is a process. We really started to evaluate what message our decorations were sending about the meaning of Christmas. Our main concern has been teaching the children the true meaning of Christmas and not getting things all muddied up with the secular.
We have eliminated Santa from our of celebration of Christmas. The kids know that mom and dad fill their stockings. This was a difficult step, especially for me. I felt we were taking away some of the magic of holidays from the children. Then I read something that stated that the only one who knows who's been naughty and nice is God Himself. That changed my perspective. I'm not judging those who still include Santa in their celebrations. I know our family still does things that others would consider blasphemous. It's a process and everyone must do as the Lord leads.
For instance, the Lord lead a friend of mine to celebrate St. Nicolas Day (Dec. 6). She and her kids always do something for those in need on that day the way St. Nicolas did. The kids then look forward to doing a special activity as a family to celebrate. It's a way to honor Jesus and put the focus back on Him during the Christmas season.
The homeschooling mom also wrote in her blog about a Christmas garland she had acquired some years ago with ornaments attached that have the different names of Jesus inscribed on them. She and her family also have a big lighted cross that they hang on the outside of their house. These ideas gave me food for thought in trying to incorporate more ways of showing that Jesus is the center of Christmas. Jesus was born into this world so that He could redeem sinners like me. This is the reason to celebrate at Christmas--Christ, the most perfect gift ever given.
Monday, December 8, 2008
I'll also admit that it's hard to find a good fruitcake. The ones they sell in the stores are gross. So every year I make one. Butter, sugar, a little flour, six eggs and LOTS of fruit (which I buy after Christmas on clearance and stash in the freezer), lots of nuts and some whiskey. It bakes in the oven for two hours and then cures for two weeks on the counter in a stainless steel pot to soak up the brandy that gets poured over it after it bakes.
Elizabeth helped me make the fruitcake for this Christmas today. She carefully arranged and rearranged the candied cherries and nuts to make a pretty design on the top of the cake. Something tells me she may have inherited the love of fruitcake, too. Maybe someday I'll make a non-alcoholic kiddie version, but for now it'll remain an adults only treat (and only those adults who can claim that they absolutely LOVE fruitcake).
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The New American Way
Lydia Logic II
I promised the girls early in the day that I'd take them shopping tonight to look for the Christmas gifts they wanted to buy for the people on their lists. When I told Matt my plan he said, "You mean all the girls? Lydia, too?" "Oh, no," I said. Lydia is not store-trained very well yet. No matter what store you take her to, she always finds something she wants. I was too tired to deal with that tonight, but when Lydia got wind of the plan to go shopping (it's almost impossible to hide anything from her), she begged me to take her, too.
In a stroke of genius (or at the very least, a shot in the dark), I said, "Lydia, I have a secret for you." I then bent down and whispered into her ear, "The reason we can't take you is that we're buying presents for you."
Her eyes got big and she said, "Ohhhh." All of a sudden staying home with the boys seemed like the best idea in the world. (And we really did look for something for Lydia.)
Lydia Logic
"Lydia, when you whine and scream, nobody wants to be around you."
"Taylor (Lydia's little friend) does, she doesn't mind it when I whine and scream."
"Lydia, it's rude to ask the doctor for a sucker. If he offers, then you can take it, but it's rude to ask."
"Momma, if I say, 'MAY I PLEASE have a sucker,' it's o.k."
Lydia logic--it's taking every last brain cell in my head (and a lot of God's grace) to parent this child.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Moldy Monstrosity
Matt was at a meeting for the evening, so we were without his manly muscles. I decided to dangle a carrot of hot chocolate with marshmellow Peep snowmen as a reward to anyone who would help me dispose of the moldy monstrosity. Joel even tried to help with the obligatory heavy-lifting "ughs." The thing was heavy, slimy and awkward. After multiple tries, Paul and I finally heaved it up into the garbage can, which we hauled to the curb.
A few years ago it really would have bothered me to have grody pumpkin that everyone had to pass by on the way into the house. Martha Stewart doesn't live here, that's obvious. My loving husband, my six wonderful kids and lil' ol' me live here and we're happy we do.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Weekend Getaway
We arrived at our destination, a small bread and breakfast, late afternoon on Friday. The place was not real fancy, but we're not real fancy people, so we liked it. I fed Jude in the recliner in our room and sneaked in a few peeks of Food Network (I could watch that station all day and not get bored. That's why we had to get rid of cable t.v. a few years ago.)
Saturday we spent the majority of the day shopping. I had a Value Village coupon for twenty percent off, Goodwill was having a fifty percent off everything in the store sale and Linens-N-Things was having a going out business sale. I can't speak for Matt (Mr. "I'm allergic to shopping"), but I had a great time (don't I have a wonderful and patient husband?). It was so nice not to have to leave a store because someone was having a meltdown or because it was quiet time.
My favorite find of the day was a small clock I bought at Goodwill for $2.50. I've been looking for a small battery operated analog clock for on top of the t.v. armoire in the family room since we moved here. Do you know how hard it is to find something like that? Well, I finally found it. It looks like a miniature mantle clock and I love it. Now I know what time it is when I'm rocking the littles in the recliner.
Saturday night we ate at an Italian restaurant. I was skeptical, but Matt insisted. I was pleasantly surprised. The pasta was al dente. It's darn near impossible to find al dente pasta, even at an Italian restaurant, but this place did it right. I had fresh fettuccine pasta with dungeness crab and a cream sauce. I haven't had pasta that good since I ate at Harry Caray's restaurant in Chicago (remember that, Dad?).
Sunday morning we had a nice breakfast at the place and then we went to church. For the last couple of years, our own church has been worshipping in the gymnasium of our church school. When the curtains are set up as "walls" it feels like the Old Testament tabernacle (though not as elaborate) and I do love it. However, I do very much miss having the Presence Candle. The church where we worshipped on Sunday had one. It's nice to have a visible reminder of God's presence among His people.
When we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's house to pick up the kids, we weren't sure who was more tired--the kids or the grandparents. The kids had a great time, but everyone, including little Jude, was happy to be home and snugged up in his or her own bed that night.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Recipe
- 6 C. sifted flour
- 6 tsp. baking powder
- 1 ½ tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. salt
- 3 tsp. cinnamon
- 1 ½ tsp. nutmeg
- 2 C. candied cherries, cut in half
- 3 C. cooked pumpkin (if canned, add 3 T. Water)
- 3 C. sugar
- 1½ C. milk
- 6 eggs
- ¾ c. butter, softened
- 2 C. coarsely chopped nuts
- 1 C. golden raisins
In large mixing bowl, combine pumpkin, sugar, milk and eggs and beat well. Set aside.
In another large mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir well to blend. Stir mixture into pumpkin mixture until just moistened. Gently stir softened butter into mixture. Fold in candied cherries, chopped nuts and golden raisins.
Pour batter into 12 3”x6” greased and floured bread pans. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. (May use 4-6 4”x8” pans and bake 55 minutes to 1 hr.)
THANKSGIVING BREAD The ingredients in this bread represent the blessings in our lives. The candied cherries are all the good things in life for which we are readily thankful. The golden raisins are the hard-to-see everyday blessings that we take for granted and forget to be thankful for. The nuts are life’s trials that are tough to get through, but reveal their good in the end.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Traditions
We got the Thanksliving Treasures box at the Bible bookstore a few years ago. The box includes a devotional booklet, postcards of pilgrim art and small objects (such as an itty bitty Bible) to teach kids about the Christian heritage of our nation. We usually pack all of the devotions into a couple of nights because we never seem to be organized enough to do one devotion every night the week before Thanksgiving. I really like the kit because it's so visual and I think the kids are able to understand things better when they can actually see them.
The last few years, we've had a Mayflower Dinner one night during the week of Thanksgiving. We got this idea a few years ago from one of my favorite homeschool companies. We all crowd into the coldest, darkest area of the house and eat dried beef and hard tack while we listen to an ocean sounds CD. We pretend we're on the Mayflower as we read from the book Stories of the Pilgrims by Margaret B. Pumphrey . Then we head to the kitchen and eat chowder by candlelight. The kids love it and reinacting (albeit on a very comfortable level) the harsh conditions the pilgrims faced helps the kids grasp the concepts better. The pilgrims gave up all worldly comforts so they could raise their children to God's glory. Every year at this time I ask myself if I'd be willing to do the same (I do love my worldly comforts). If you want more details about the Mayflower Dinner, click here.
Tonight we'll celebrate this year's Mayflower Dinner. We'll be eating turkey soup instead of chowder,though, as I cooked a turkey on Sunday and made broth from the carcass yesterday. We're also planning on watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on t.v. tonight. We'll snuggle up together in the family room and watch the Peanuts gang eat popcorn and toast, just like they do every year. Ahh . . . tradition.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ready for Work
Old Fashioned
It's never bothered me that a few years ago my own husband grew a Blackberry appendage. I just chalked it up to one of those "computer engineer things" and I didn't consider myself to be old fashioned because I didn't grow the appendage, too. However, last week when I was scheduling another appointment for Jude at the pediatrician's office, the receptionist asked me if I wanted a reminder card. "Yes, I do," I said. "That's how I remember to write the date on my calendar at home."
"Well," she said, "I always ask because a lot of the moms are using Blackberries these days."
Truth be told, I've been quite content in my old fashioned-ness, although it's become more glaringly obvious, even in my own home that I am, in fact, old fashioned. Yes, that's right, Joel (thanks to my Uncle Keith) is now an iPhone expert. He knows how to look at the pictures by sweeping his finger across the screen and he LOVES to hold the phone up to his ear and listen to music. Is it bad that a twenty one-month-old boy knows more about iPhones than his thirty seven-year-old mother? No, Joel has just inherited the "engineer gene" from his father. At least that's what I'll keep telling myself.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Samaritan's Purse
As we drove to the dollar store, I told the kids that they would each be allowed to pick out one thing for themselves AFTER we had gotten what we needed for the shoe boxes, including the shoe boxes themselves. We've been buying the plastic shoe boxes the past couple of years. I attended a meeting a few years back in which a woman who had delivered shoe boxes for Samaritan's purse in South America said that the kids would hold onto the cardboard boxes until they were in tatters. She suggested using the plastic boxes, so we've been doing that ever since.
All things considered, things went pretty well at the store and we came home, ate our lunch and packed the boxes. I'd been trying to explain to the kids about how many children around the world don't even have one toy of their own. This is a foreign concept to them and I could tell they just didn't get it. Then I went to the Samaritan's purse website to print out the labels for the boxes. I found this video and the kids and I watched it. Seeing children receiving their boxes had a greater impact on my kids than all the words they had heard all morning.
We delivered the boxes to the drop-off sight after quiet time. On the way there we prayed for the children that would receive our boxes. Even though the project took us all day to accomplish, it was worth it. Trying to keep the attitude of "it's better to give than to receive" over the next month will be the challenge.
Anyway, boxes can be put together fairly inexpensively. I usually buy hats and mittens on clearance after Christmas for the following year. I also buy markers and crayons when they are really cheap at the back to school sales. As the woman who is the area coordinator for the project here said, "They may be little items or toys that wouldn't be exciting to kids in the U.S., but for these kids they can be life changing." This year, boxes will be accepted until November 24.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Excuse My French
"It's 'ENCORE!'" was her exasperated reply.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I couldn't help but notice the similarities between our own nation and the nation of Israel. We've all desired to fill ourselves to the brim with toys and entertainments. Now the party is coming to an end. As one financial analyst put it, "America's long national shopping spree is over." With the economy being such that it is, we're now looking to the government (instead of God) to bail us out. I fear that mentality will become even more prevalent in the coming months and years.
Each morning as I read more of Jeremiah and Lamentations, my heart grieves for our nation and how we have forsaken the God who so graciously brought this nation into being.
The other night, our family attended an Army band concert. As the color guard presented the American flag, the audience sang our national anthem. As we sang I thanked God for the fact that we were able to assemble there freely. I thanked Him that I was still able to attend Bible study without fear of reprisal and that I can still open my Bible in my home and teach my children His statutes. The concert ended with the song, "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood. We do still live in the greatest nation on earth, but our true freedom and hope is in Jesus Christ, not our government.
"But according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:5b-7)
Friday, November 14, 2008
1. Dishes. After fifteen years of use, my dishes are looking worse for the wear with chips and markings from silverware. I've always loved my all white dishes and I still do. I think they set a nice table. They can be dressed up or down, color choices for table linens are unlimited and they show off the food well. I told Matt that I wanted new plates and bowls in my pattern for Christmas, but then--I found them-- a (nearly) full set of Mikasa French Countryside dishes. The woman who was selling them had gotten new dishes and was selling her old set, including the butter dish, salt and peppers, platter, vegetable bowls, gravy boat and cocoa mugs. I got all of them for a fraction of what it would have cost to replace just the plates and bowls in my own set. And since they're all white, I can mix them with what I already have. I'm tickled.
2. Dollhouse. In September I saw a dollhouse at a local store that I really wanted to get for Lydia for Christmas. Matt saw the price and said, "No way." I started looking at the thrift stores (too well loved) and on Craig's list (still more than I wanted to spend). The other night I went to the local store to get some things I needed. I saw the dollhouse again. It was sitting on a cart by the registers. I asked if it was the last one. The gal at the register said it was. Since it was the display model, it had all the furniture screwed down. I asked the manager if he would sell it to me for half price as once all the furniture was removed, there would be a bunch of holes in the floors. He agreed! This store never discounts anything. I thought I'd scored the big one. However, the next day, the inventory manager called me and told me I needed to bring the dollhouse back to the store because she was not allowed to sell it. It had to go back to the vendor, she said. She told me she had one more new dollhouse partially assembled in the back and I could have it. I said, "But I got the one I have for half off and I don't want to pay full price for a new one." She said, "Wow, you got a good deal, but I need the one you have back. I'll talk to a manager and we'll just exchange the display dollhouse for the new dollhouse straight across." I took the dollhouse back to the store and got the other one. It was fully assembled (saving Matt the hassle) and the furniture was not screwed to the floors! Woo hoo! The big girls helped me unload it when I got home. We're all convinced that Lydia will LOVE it (shhh--don't spoil the surprise!).
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Table Blessing
As a manifestation of extending hospitality, it became obvious to both Matt and myself that we needed a bigger dining room table. Our dining room table has served us well the past fifteen years. We've had countless dinners around it and it's been a good table for us. However, now that our family is growing, we no longer have room for more than one or two extra people at our table.
When we moved into this house, Matt and I began to pray for a table. We came up with a list of qualifications that our new table must have. First and foremost, Matt decided it must have the capability of stretching to ten feet in length. I wanted a double pedestal style table so that we wouldn't have to worry about people legs getting tangled up in table legs. We also decided that the chairs should not be upholstered, as this would be a more practical choice with children.
Well, after months of scouring Craig's list, looking at what local stores had to offer and even considering having a table custom made, we finally found it! It was on Craig's list, a table with the qualifications described above and it came with eight (instead of six) chairs! We hemmed and hawed and prayed for about it for three weeks before we finally decided to buy it. Matt was afraid I would grow tired of the lighter oak wood and that I'd regret the purchase. However,when we finally went to see it in person, we were convinced it was the table for us and we brought it home.
We enjoyed our first meal around the table with our friends Brian and Julie on October 31, Reformation Day. Since then, we've celebrated our niece Raphaella's birthday and had my family down for a pre-concert dinner. My mother-in-law even gave me me my Christmas present early--a 140 inch long table cloth--so that I will be able to use it during the holidays.
A year ago, it seemed like such a greedy thing to me to pray for a bigger table. However, when our family attended a homeschool conference this past spring, the keynote speaker expressed how he and his family had prayed for a bigger table for their family. He told us that the Lord answered their prayer. My heart leaped when I heard him relate this to us. When the Lord plants a desire in our hearts, it's always a good desire. At that time, we didn't even have a dining room big enough to accommodate a ten foot long table, but my God isn't limited by such small things.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:16-18
Friday, November 7, 2008
Raising Boys
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sibling Love
Return of the Bugs
In the meantime, Lydia has regained her ability to speak and she's making up for lost time. She talks so much that, honestly, a lot of the time my brain just doesn't even process what's she's saying. She has said some funny things the last few days, though.
Today Lydia and I went to BSF together. When we got home, I noticed she had a hole in the knee of her overalls. I asked her how it happened. She said, "Mommy, my knee is just getting bigger."
Lately when I tell Lydia to do something (and she's in a compliant mood) she'll pull a Peppermint Patty (from "Peanuts" fame) on me. For instance, Lydia wanted to help me make dinner. I told her to pour the can of green beans into the pot. She responded with, "Yes, sir." Or, "Lydia, if you want to go to the store with me, you'll have to get your shoes on." "Yes, sir!"
Lydia had a picture of George Washington that she wanted me to i.d. for her.
"Who is this, mommy?" she asked.
"That's George Washington, the first president of our nation."
"Is he dead?"
"Yes, he is."
"Did he die on the cross for our sins like Jesus?"
Well, obviously that needed a bit of clarification. Yes, Lydia has her voice back and it's fitting that I end this post with her own words. "Mommy, I can talk really loud again!"
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Reformation Day
Rites of Fall
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sounds of Silence
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Chim Chim Cher-ee
Paul was in the thick of the action, as usual. He got the important job of using the shop vac to vacuum up the black soot from our white carpet. Joel, who loves to emulate big brother, was in the middle of things as well. He put on daddy's gloves and began "helping" in his own little way. We're all looking forward to some cold winter nights when we can cuddle up next to the fire.
Here's my little chimney sweep:
Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey
Chim chim cher-ee!
When you're with a sweep you're in glad company
Nowhere is there a more 'appier crew
Than them wot sings, "Chim chim cher-ee, chim cher-oo!"
On the
Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim cher-ee, chim cher-oo!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Learning to Fly
This morning, Lydia still remembered she wanted wings and she reminded me of that fact. I said, "O.K., Lydia, I'll get you some wings if you get your chores done." "O.K., Mommy, I will!" she said with conviction.
I then ran to WalMart to get some groceries. I saw a pair of wings there. They were pink and purple and sparkly all over. Why they didn't have Lydia's name written on them I don't know. I bought them. When I got home, Lydia dragged me into the family room to show me how well she had picked up. She had put dirty socks under one chair, granola bar wrappers under another chair and Paul's cars under the couch. After I helped her redo her job properly I gave her the wings.
"Oh," she sighed, "Thank you, Mommy!" I put the wings on her and she walked off to her bedroom, proud as a peacock.

She then told Grace, "I could fly all day!"
Grace said, "You can't fly with those, Lydia."
"You mean they're not real?" Lydia asked.
This is My Father's World
As I walked, I filled my lungs with the crisp autumn air. I love that feeling. It's like your lungs are getting a good cleaning. I walked past a field full of steers contentedly eating their breakfasts. They looked at me curiously, but were not deterred from continuing to chew their cud. One big guy did stop eating long enough to give me the courtesy of a bellering "moo."
That same pasture had about fifteen mallard ducks and their mates waddling about. They were finding fresh bugs amongst the grass. As I walked past them, the mommas quacked and fussed to get everybody moving away from me. The daddies ignored their naggings and just kept eating.
It looked like God took a big paint brush and stroked white clouds across the canvas of bright blue sky. The morning sun was shining against the clouds and a pair of geese flew overhead and honked as if to say, "Good morning down there, isn't it a beautiful day?"
I soaked it all in as I walked home. The auburn colored leaves on the trees, the grasses turning their autumn gold and the birds busily flying to and fro, chirping happily as they went about their business. I felt the vigor return to my bones and this hymn began playing in my mind:
This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father's world, the birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, declare their Maker's praise.
This is my Father's world: He shines in all that's fair;
In the rustling grass, I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me every where.
(Curiously enough, I just learned that the man who wrote this hymn, Malthie D. Babcock, was a pastor. When he would start off on one of his beloved hikes through the woods in New York, he would say, "I'm going out to see my Father's world.")
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Renaissance Man

The next he's an "underwater spaceman," whose get up includes the ever-evolving jet pack (which now has 6+ yogurt containers for rocket boosters). Dad's gas mask, leftover tubing and duct tape complete the look. Paul rides his razor when he's wearing this ensemble to give the boosters a little extra power.
Then there is my personal favorite--the newspaper boy. Paul buckles on his helmet, fills a grocery sack with rolled up newspapers and gets on his bike. He then practices pulling the newspapers from the sack and throwing them on the driveway, all while operating his bicycle with one hand. It's so cute.
Remember when you were a kid and an adult would ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And you'd say something like, "I want to be a veterinarian and an astronaut and a cake decorator." And then you got older and life took over and you had to think of practical things like paying the bills. My little boy, thankfully, has not gotten that old yet.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Double Trouble
The two little boys were still pretty out of sorts yesterday, so I decided to take them into the pediatrician. Sure enough, they both have ear infections. Not a great way to start out the winter, especially when it's not even winter yet. We're praying for quick healing--poor little guys--they've been pretty miserable. Matt and I thought we were functioning on the smallest amount of sleep possible. Guess what? We can function on even less, if you can call it "functioning." By the grace of God, this too, will pass. Learning to release my little ones to God is not easy. I need to learn to trust that He can take much better care of them than I can, after all He created them and they are His.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
We've also been dealing with bugs of a different nature. We've had problems all summer with earwigs and spiders in the house. Our other house was old and had lots of spiders, so I didn't think too much of it when I saw them here. However, Grace spotted a suspicious looking black spider at the top of the stairs leading down to the basement the other day. We couldn't get a good look at it. I called a bug spraying company right away. The guy came to the house yesterday and sprayed something that's o.k. to use around children and pets. He sprayed inside and outside the house. Low and behold, the spray didn't agree with the suspicious black spider. It came out of it's hiding spot and I slapped it with the fly swatter and took it outside. When I flipped it over, I saw the red hour glass. It was only a baby black widow and the guy who sprayed insisted that they're not aggressive spiders. Just the same, I'm glad to have gotten that done. We'll be on a regular maintenance schedule to keep any other univited guests out of the house. We're never lacking for excitement around here.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Times They Are A Changin'
The woman on the other end of the speaker said, "We don't have pumpkin."
Matt said, "but it says on your sign that you do."
She responded, "I don't have that on my screen, you can try ordering it at the window."
"Well, what do you have on your screen?" Matt asked.
"Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and mango-raspberry."
The mango-raspberry flavor was not on the menu we were reading. We pulled up to the window and the guy said, "That'll be $11.63." Matt said, "I just wanted to order a small pumpkin shake."
"Oh, the lady taking orders is in another state. She doesn't know about the pumpkin shakes."
At this point I know I heard the "Twilight Zone" theme playing. Matt paid the amount owed and we pulled up to the next window to pick up the shake. Matt told me that several months ago he had read that McDonald's was starting a pilot program to see if the ordering process we had just experienced would work. "I guess it worked," he said, "'cause they have it here."
By the way, the pumpkin wasn't very good, I should have gone with my gut and ordered the chocolate. Now I'll hold out for my yearly holiday favorite--eggnog.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Jude was baptized yesterday. We didn't have our usual big party because we weren't sure Pastor would be here to do the honors as his father just passed away. Thankfully, Pastor was here and even though things were less planned (on our part) than usual, it was a very special day. The opening hymn was "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" which was the first hymn sung at our wedding. As our family of eight (taking up the entire front row) sang with the congregation, I reflected on all the Lord has done in fifteen years. As we continue to trust in Him, I know He will keep walking along side us each and every day as they unfold as He has ordained.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Catching Up
Saturday was Matt's Nana's memorial service. It was a nice remembrance of a woman who planted the seeds of faith in her children and then those seeds grew and were passed on to her grandchildren and great grandchildren. We spent the rest of the weekend gathering for meals, chatting and playing games with all the relatives we haven't seen for several years.
We spent yesterday recovering from all the excitement of the weekend. We'll spend the week on schoolwork, finishing the summer to winter clothes exchange project and making applesauce. My list is always longer than time and energy will allow, but by God's grace some things get done and I have to learn to be thankful for that.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Boo Boo
The doctor who glued the cut together sympathized with us. He raised four daughters and four sons. The upside was that Matt and I got to wish each other a "Happy Anniversary" earlier in the day than we had planned.
"My beloved is mine, and I am his." Song of Solomon 2:16
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The last couple of months I've been checking Craigslist almost daily for someone who might be getting rid of some hens. I've seen lots of roosters, but not many hens. When I did see that someone was selling their hens, I'd call. They were always gone. Last week I saw that a woman was advertising Rhode Island Red and White hens. She lives in the same town as my parents. I called my dad at his office to ask if he might possibly (pretty please?) be able to get them and bring them down when he and mom came for Grace's party. Well, he wasn't exactly enthusiastic, but he was willing. That's all I needed. I called the woman. She told me I was the first caller, even though she had posted the ad the day before.
"How many do you have?" I asked. "A lot."
"Why are you getting rid of them?" I asked.
"Because they're too much work," she replied.
"O.K., could I have twenty then?"
"No problem," she said.
We then talked over the logistics of how she would fit twenty chickens in my dad's car (his very clean, nice car). She assured me she would have them boxed up and ready to go for him when he came to pick them up. She was true to her word.
My mom and dad said the drive down here was interesting. They had the moon roof and the back window open because the chickens were pretty stinky. The chickens were quite loud at first and my mom said, "Maybe they'll settle down once we get going." They did settle down a little.
Matt had the chicken house all cleaned out and full of nice new pine shavings in preparation for the chickens' arrival. They are doing very well in their new home. They're pecking order must not be working very well, though, as they're all wanting to roost within the same square foot, thus some chickens end up under others. You just want to say to them, "Spread out, there's plenty of room here," but then you realize they're only chickens with ganglias for brains.
A few weeks ago, I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have no fresh eggs until a year from now when we would have mature chickens again. Chickens slow down their laying in the winter, but at least now we'll have some fresh eggs. I can't wait to taste the first fresh egg omelet I've had in over a year, which wouldn't be possible if my dad didn't love me so much. (Bahk! Bahk!)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lydia Oh, Lydia
I grabbed the band aids, the Neosporin and Joel. I moved some knives that were on the counter aside so that I could set Joel on the counter for his first aid treatment. "Are you going to cut Joel's finger off?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, that's what I'm going to do, " I answered somewhat sarcastically. (I figured such a ridiculous question demanded a ridiculous answer.) "Oh, Daddy's gonna be really aset!"
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Mother's Thoughts
Grace, you are our firstborn. Being the firstborn, you have to had the bear the most and worst of our parenting mistakes and I know you’ll have to endure more in the future. Remember that your mom and dad are sinful people, saved by grace, being sanctified day by day.
Your dad and I still remember the day you were born. Your hair was so red, we thought the nurses hadn’t cleaned you up very well. From the time you where in the womb, you loved music. That first day in the hospital, your Daddy got you to stop crying by playing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto for you on a little tape recorder he placed in your bassinet.
Now you’ve grown into a beautiful young lady, both inside and out. People always told us that our kids would grow up before we knew it. Now we believe them. It seems like only yesterday when you ran around the back yard playing with the dog with only your pink rubber boots on.
Grace, you know your Dad and my desire for you is that you remain pure until marriage. You know that this is also God’s desire for you. Your Dad and I have been praying for a long time and will continue to pray that the Lord will provide a Godly husband for you someday.
It’s also our desire that you would embrace the role your Heavenly Father created for you. As a woman, you will have the opportunity to serve your family. You’re already doing that in this family. Some day you will serve your own family. The world disdains servanthood. Jesus embraced it. He said that whosoever would be first, should be last. Pouring yourself out for the family you have now and, the Lord willing, the family you will have in the future, is the way to true freedom. True freedom does not come in the pursuit of self-- that only brings bondage. True freedom comes in embracing servanthood and the role God has designed for you.
I recently finished reading a book in which the author said, “The truth is, if we constantly pursue our own happiness, we will never find it.” She also wrote something else to which I could relate all too well. She said, “I lament the years I wasted trying to ‘find myself’ instead of dying to self.” The Bible says to “redeem the time for the days are evil.” I pray, Grace, that you will redeem the time for the Lord’s glory.
This hope chest is to be a visible reminder of God’s plan for you. Only He knows what your future is, but we have God’s Word to use as a compass to get us heading in the right direction and with the Lord’s help, we pray that you will become a woman of God, “far above rubies” in value to your family, your church and God’s kingdom.
Amazing Grace
Each person who was invited to the party was asked to bring a Bible verse to encourage Grace. The verses were written on 4 x 6 cards which I will put in a book that Grace can keep in her hope chest. We all took turns reading the verses we had chosen. Every one of them was different, there was not one repeat. At this point in the evening, I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. Matt placed his hand on Gracie's head and gave her this special blessing:
May you rejoice in time to come.
May you open your mouth with wisdom,
And have on your tongue the law of kindness.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
May you be like Sarah and Rebekah and Leah and
May your children rise up and call you blessed.
The highlight of the evening, at least for Matt and me, was the present that Elizabeth gave to her sister. Elizabeth used a year's worth of earnings to buy Grace a Geneva Bible with her name engraved on it. We were so proud of her. She's a bit of a penny pincher, but her love for her big sister knows no bounds and she went all out to show it.
It was a beautiful time of honor and blessing for our firstborn. The Lord provided for every detail and Christ's love encircled the evening. Grace (and her mom and dad) are very blessed to have so much loving support from family and friends. We will keep praying that the Lord will continue "the good work" He has begun in Grace and be ever present with her as she continues on her journey toward biblical womanhood.